Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Don't Even Read This, It's Not Even Insightful.

Another rant about blockbuster cinema, I think (we'll see what happens), but I want to shift away the focus from the studios who churn homogeneous yogurt out to people who are fine with that, to one group who I think can get away with turning this art form (not entertainment medium, motherfuckers) to a higher standard.

I mean, I understand why people went to see the Evil Dead remake, but why the fuck did it get good reviews? 

Seriously, I have no idea why anybody liked that movie. If the characters aren't likable, and the plot's been formula since before the original Evil Dead subverted it, and it's shot like a Rob Zombie movie, and it slogs along for the first hour(s), and all the energy and humor of the original are completely gone, I'd say it's a shit movie. 

But I digress. Let me get to what my point: it's called film criticism for a reason, dammit. And, frankly, movies like Evil Dead and Iron Man 3 or even Pain and Gain or Scary Movie 5 aren't gonna give a good goddamn about their reviews, because they're gonna make their money back (and then some) regardless. And they're always by-the-numbers crowd pleasers that make a point to not show us anything new, or to make us question anything, or have anything whatsoever to say. Those things make it harder to make a hundred million dollars in a weekend, which is the goal.

So why are most of the articles on movie websites I read about how excited people are for the new Star Wars, or how the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the best thing that's happened to movies since the combined efforts of Michael Cimino and Steven Spielberg fucked over New Hollywood?

Why are there glowing reviews for Iron Man 3 and none for Spring Breakers or Upstream Color or movies that actually need articles and reviews to get people to see them? 

I'm tired of fanboyism taking over American cinemas and publications devoted to them. 

Fuck it, this is rough and I forget what my original point was and life isn't really as bad as I say it is, but I'm so tired of seeing people giving better notices to the goddamn shitting moneygrabbing fucking hobbit than to films made by people who wanted to make art, not money.,

I'm a little drunk. More on that later.

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